I have so much to do and I am procrastinating. Hi. I have a lot of coffee running in my veins, but I don't really want to use the energy. I procrastinate by sitting in front of the computer, clicking endlessly as if seeking sustinance from life-giving web pages. Yea, you are doing it too, right now in fact.
I am supposed to be cleaning, getting ready for a Passion Party tonight, getting ready for my "Daddy Daughter Day" of going to Philly to see the King Tut exhibit at the butt crack of dawn on Saturday, supposed to be getting ready for having my neice and nephew over on Sunday/Monday. Supposed to, supposed to, suposed to. Procrastinating.
All I really care about are the rumors of getting our orders next week. I keep looking at houses in the Eglin area and drooling. I love the for rent/for sale where we could move right in now and maybe buy in a year when the doctor money is comming in. A real honest to goodness house! EEEEK!
I have such senior-itis. I am ready to go, ready to pack TJ, Nicole and their kids and pets into my suitcase and bolt out of here. Procrastinate. Maybe if I write enough about my procrastination, the Procrastination Fairy will do all of my work for me. Hmm. I think I feel a monkey comming out of my butt. Not litterally.
3/30/2007 09:21:00 AM
We are back from Disney. Cute pictures are here.

Character breakfast with Leo and June from The Little Einstiens

Character breakfast with the princesses at the Norway pavillion in Epcot. Alanna was in a Little Mermaid wedding dress and we were thrilled that the Little Mermaid was there in a dress too!



When asked if Connor wanted to be Peter Pan or Captain Hook this Halloween, he went for Hook. Not surprising for a kid who chose Darth Vader over Han Solo at age 2.

And then of course we have Alanna in her mermaid fin costume and Ariel in her fins!

Yea the kids had a good time. Yea the kids were also a pain, but we are teaching them how to be travelers: how to to plane rides, sleep in a hotel room, deal with public transportation etc.
We also got Alanna a Tinkerbell costume so that this year our Halloween theme will be Captain Hook and Tinkerbell. Tee hee :)
Spring is here and the exercise has resumed. I feel better already. I have a feeling that time is going to FLY from here on out. We only have about 4 months till we move...where ever it is we are going to move!
3/25/2007 11:47:00 AM
I had a multi product party for all fo us ladies in the neighborhood who are doing "parties". I had a Pampered Chef lady, a Creative Memories lady and a lady who makes her own jewelry. The Creative Memories lady, who I will refer to as CM put in a lot of work advertising the party all around base. Pampered Chef went first and was fine. My turn at Passion Parties was next, but 2 minutes into my presentation CM got a panicked look in her eyes and left my house. She came back for her Creative Memories stuff, but did not even do her presentation. It was awkward to finish my presentation to say the least, and out of 8 people ONE person placed an order with me. Fricking prudes. Last time I try with this stuck up bunch that's for sure. These are my friends though..."Um Earth to Colleen, selling sex toys to officer's wives is a risky venture". Yes yes, still if it had worked it would have been so cool. I have many people out there wanting to have Passion Parties, jut not the ladies here in my neighorhood.
But all of us at the party were a little put off by CM's reaction. The way she left I thought she had a family emergency or something. Then she brought her husband to help pack up her table full of stuff and he said "What's up heathens?" Didn't go over too well with the ladies. Needless to say the rumor mill has been working overtime here in our little neighborhood. I thought my friend CM would call me the next day and explain, three days go by till we meet face to face and figure things out. Apparently I had metioned doing a mild PG rated presentation back in December. Oops. I have like 2 brain cells sometimes, I take care of 2 little kids, stuff gets forgotten. Needless to say I had a few toys to display and that is when CM bolted for the door. We are still friends, and got everything worked out, but now we have to do damage control in the neighborhood. Nobody called me, but like 5 people called CM asking what went on and said that they had been hearing about it everywhere. Good grief.
I told her today that it's like there are 2 gangs of kids on the playground trying to egg us on into a fight, "She called you a rotten egg", "Yea well she said you look funny". Look ladies we're not going to fight, the show is over.
If she had just reminded me of her sensitivity to sex toys...ah well, hindsight is 20/20.
Now that the alleged catfight is over I can concentrate on my brother-in-laws wedding reception this weekend, and then our flight to Disney World 36 hours later. You know, just chaos all around. Have a good weekend everyone, and remember to ask everyone in the room if it is alright before you go waving your vibrators around!
3/06/2007 04:27:00 PM