We are managing. We are making new friends because we have to.
So I am spacing my time out like this:
Friday: Project night with the
SCA where I am making garb (costumes) for the kids with my own sewing machine that I just learned how to use. Really interesting people, the kids LOVE it.
Saturday: nothing!
church, Michael's Craft Store, and brunch at
The End of the Line Cafe vegan restaurant where we get an amazing amount of food for $8.00 a person, but Connor just eats a whole order of hummus and pita bread.
7:00 AM to4 PM: amazing amount of work taking care of 8 pets, 2 kids, homeschooling, frantic cleaning, doing the bills for the first time in my life, CRAFTS!
4-5PM: Jason calls
5 PM - 11 PM: amazing amount of work taking care of 8 pets, 2 kids, homeschooling, frantic cleaning, doing the bills for the first time in my life, CRAFTS!
I get to talk to Jason everyday, which is cool. I feel bad for him because a lot of the time I sound a bit frantic/ Why? See above. He told me today that he works out 2 hours a day! I repeat 2 HOURS a day. Wow, I wish I had that kind of time to myself, then again, I don't want to have to go to Iraq to do it, nor do I want to see 18-22 year olds blown apart by IEDs. That part sucks.
He can't tell me about that part of his day, gag order for obvious reasons, but he can send me a link in my e-mail from Fox News detailing the latest round of people blown up near his base, yep, that is what he tended to that day. Google Kirkuk and look at the news tab.
He says the base is cool because they have lots of food, he specifically likes the cheesecake and chi lattes. Hmm, not the MREs I was imagining thank goodness! He has a lot of luxuries guys in the field do not have, but I think he is going to be a bit traumatized by what he has seen in terms of blown apart bodies.
We went to a birthday party for a girl in our homeschool group today and that was cool, the kids ran around in an arcade and had a blast. Hopefully these people will "stick" as a group for us to hang around with, the last group, the Mom's Club was not a fit at all. Epic fail. The women hated me, Alanna bit other kids twice and the moms were horrified, Connor was loud and louder. Of course no other children in the f*ing club were ever rowdy, just mine. Connor at pre-school: fail, belonging to the Moms Club: fail, the fact that we are not Baptist or any other main-stream denomination: fail. Next.
My mom is coming next week, so I am looking forward to having another living soul to talk to...even if it IS one who doesn't really like kids. Maybe the one-on-one time will make her bond with the kids, we'll see.
Our next big thing we are looking forward to is Alanna's birthday. We are driving to Atlanta to go to the big aquarium there and then go to the
American Girl Doll Boutique & Bistro. Alanna will be getting her first doll (from my mom), her first outfit for her doll (from Jason's mom) , her first outfit for her to match her doll (from me) and her first American Girl store shopping experience. They will have a cake for us and everything. My sister-in-law may or may not show up, at this point, all I care about is that go SOMEWHERE and do SOMETHING fun.
After that we get to look forward to Jason's little sister's wedding in September. I get to drive for a few days by myself with the kids, then be surrounded by Jason's family, do the obligatory stop at my parent's house, then drive a few days back. I feel overwhelmed just typing that. Every cotton picking member of his family and no Jason in sight to protect me from my own damn big mouth. Frack. Pray that I don't get myself into trouble with them...again. Please?
One last thing before I end this rant: I have lost 7 lbs. and counting since Jason left! Go me! I am exercising 3 days a week and trying to fit it in more times, I'd like to do it at least 5 days a week, but we'll see. Eating is a breeze, no splurging when Mr. Super Metabolism isn't around! Ok, so I have learned that I use having him around as a reason to gorge myself on the weekends...but who doesn't use "family together time" as a reason to eat rich, fatty, sugary, salty, carb-laden yummy foods?
/end rant
6/16/2008 07:52:00 PM
Way to go Obama! I must admit that I came into this race a Hillary supporter and before that I said that if McCain ever ran I'd vote for him, and yes I even Googled Ron Paul.
Hillary is my girl, so don't you even! Step off eh? Wanna fight? But I must admit that Obama won me over, he just may be the only person who can unite our country AND get us back in the good graces with the rest of the countries who used to like us...maybe help blacks and whites bridge some gaps...get us the FUCK out of Iraq safely...get us to sign environmental treaties...end hunger...
Let's just say I have high hopes. If Hill was the VP I'd be even more excited, let's just be happy that one of the most eloquent men I have ever heard will now be on the presidential ticket. Hell yea.
6/03/2008 07:11:00 PM